Quartz eyes

Blazing sun in the darknessQuartz crystals as my eyes, diamonds and pearls were in disguisePins and needles all over, walked through the fireTo sit on the souls of the predecessors. Who knew when the black swan turned white?Who knew the ying of my yang dominated me?Stars aligned as a heart, guiding me to the newContinue reading “Quartz eyes”

Black hole!

I feel like I have fallen into a black hole with no place to return to. Being in a constant loop which is called the circle of life. This loop never seems to end and although there are some amuse it doesn’t compare to the sadness it with holds. I was told not everyone sleepsContinue reading “Black hole!”

3. My Daily Rants!

So…firstly I didn’t get scolded before the whole class…uhh….I was so lucky and secondly I gave my exam and scored alright I mean better than last at least I managed to squeeze into top 30 out of 70…sooo…I need to still improve. As I was writing my exam I noticed that the dude who teasedContinue reading “3. My Daily Rants!”

Black hole!

I feel like I have fallen into a black hole with no place to return to. Being in a constant loop which is called the circle of life. This loop never seems to end and although there are some amuse it doesn’t compare to the sadness it with holds. I was told not everyone sleepsContinue reading “Black hole!”

Am I guilty?

I always get so confused and my heart feels heavy when I know that person’s secret because someone else told me even if I hadn’t asked about it….I feel like I did a crime. I kind of feel like I did the right thing when I faced this kind of situation….after our conversation I smoothlyContinue reading “Am I guilty?”

2.My daily rants

I am scared of reality, I want to run from the reality which says “survival of the fittest” I know it’s true but thriving to survive is meaningless if you do not feel alive. I took my exam and it’s the result I wouldn’t have ever imagined even in my dreams. First of all IContinue reading “2.My daily rants”

1. My daily rants.

I started going back to school. All through the pandemic I thought I became a lot introverted because I didn’t speak with much people during that time because I do not like texting a lot except for close people. I am always up for a call but ” texting ” is too tiring I wouldContinue reading “1. My daily rants.”

When love turns to hate.

Aren’t humans weird? The thing they used to love when they loose it they start to hate. Well that might be us consoling ourselves to ignore the facts. We unknowingly or knowingly make ourselves feel that we don’t need the thing which meant to the world for us anymore once it has left us. WeContinue reading “When love turns to hate.”

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